Dr.Jong-Deok Kim, Director of KUSCO visited to the NSF(National Research Foundation) to meet with joined by Dr. Machi Dilworth, newly appointed Program Director of OISE (Office of International Science and Engineering). There were also...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that the 1st KUSCO LTDP (Long-Term Development Plan) Committee meeting was held on April 29th at the KUSCO conference room. This project is designed to realize KUSCO’s vision through...
KUSCO arranged the official meeting with the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Department of Energy Office of Science for the delegations from National Research Foundation of Korea. The meeting was arranged...
New York Korean Biologists (NYKB) is an organization of Korean biologists of 8 institutes or universities like Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Columbia University, Cornell University, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,...
KUSCO supported the KSEA Southeastern Science and Engineering Conference which was held on April 22-23 at the Stone Mountain Park, Atlanta, GA. For this year, there were 15-17 invited speakers, 15 research presentations, and...
KUSCO is pleased to announce supporting 2011 National Math and Science Competition, for 4th to 11th students, which were held on April, 16th nationwide. There are 34 different chapters participated for this competition this...
KUSCO is pleased to pronounce the due date of 3rd Q of KUSCO proposal. For those of you who are planning to have conferences, meeting, etc during 7/1/11 ~ 9/30/11, please submit the proposal by...
KUSCO is pleased to announce the 2011 EAPSI-Korea orientation in Washington D.C from April 3 to 5th. The final 20 nominees to participate in EAPSI-Korea program for 2011 are from a variety of U.S....
The 8th Forum held at Caltech on April 4th & 5th participated by 41 eminent scientists and policy makers in the field of nanotechnology along with 20 nanoscience experts present in audience, focused on...
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL I. Objectives The Korea-US Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO) has committed to enhancing cooperation in the area of Science and Engineering between the U.S. and Korea since its establishment in 1997. For...