Deadline for the 4th Q of KUSCO Proposal
Deadline for the 4th Q of KUSCO Proposal KUSCO is pleased to announce the due date of 4th Q of KUSCO proposal. For those of you who are planning to have conferences, meeting, etc during...
Deadline for the 4th Q of KUSCO Proposal KUSCO is pleased to announce the due date of 4th Q of KUSCO proposal. For those of you who are planning to have conferences, meeting, etc during...
From July 5, Tuesday, through July 8, Friday, 2011, there was a 15th International Symposium on Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA-2011) at Ramada Plaza, Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea. The meeting discussed subjects focused...
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Washington D.C. Office visited to KUSCO on July 8th. Main purpose of visit for these two organizations was to...
The 20th KSEA (Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association) NRC (Northeast Regional Conference) was held on June 24th and 25th, 2011 at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Edison, NJ. The conference was jointly organized by KSEA...
Delegation of the Global Intern Support Center (GISC), Ms. BoYong Choi, Deputy Head of GISC, Ms. SeHee Lee, Finance Director of GISC, Ms. Sara Yoo, WEST Program Manager and Ms. HeeEun Kim, WEST Program...
KUSCO held the 2nd Long-Term Development Plan (LTDP) Committee meeting on June 11th at the KUSCO conference room. 6 committee members have participated in the meeting. During the meeting, various discussions were conducted including...
Dr. Ann Liebschutz, Executive Director of the U.S. – Israel Science & Technology Foundation (USISTF) Washington Office visited KUSCO on June 9th accompanied by Ms. Eve Copeland, Program Manager of USISTF. The main purpose...
The KASBI (Korean-American Society for Biomedical Informatics)’s second annual workshop on medical informatics was held on June 4th with 42 participants from universities, government research institutes, private research institute and industries at the KUSCO...
Dr. Jong-Deok Kim, Director of KUSCO, visited the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Washington Office on May 26 in order to have a meeting with Dr. Fumiyo Kaneko, Deputy Director of...
Minister of Education, Science and Technology in Korea, Dr. Joo-ho Lee visited to the US from May 10th to 14th. Main purpose of this visit was to strengthen collaboration with major U.S. Science &...