The 2nd Korea-US Oceanic and Atmospheric S&T Workshop held on May 11th at KUSCO conference room. This workshop was hosted by KIOST and sponsored by KIOST-NOAA Lab, MOF, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future...
Here is the list of proposals that KUSCO has received for 2nd QT. Number Title of Proposal Organization Date Place 2013-05 NYKB-KSEA Annual Conference KSEA/NYKB 04/06 New York 2013-06 2013 KWiSE Women’s Science &...
The representatives of The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) visited KUSCO on March 6th to discuss possible collaboration on “U.S.-Korea Cooperative Exchange on Ocean and Coastal Resource Management and Science.” NOAA collaborates...
KUSCO successfully organized “The 5th Washington Science and Technology Forum” on March 3rd at 3:30 pm at KUSCO Conference room. KUSCO was honoured to invite Mr.Hoseung Lee, Senior Advisor to the ED Asia and...
2013 KSEA New England Symposium (03/02, 2013) KUSCO is pleased to support the KSEA New England chapter (Chapter president: Jun Young Choi) which was held on March 2nd. This event was co-organized by KSEA-NE...
KSEA 1st Virginia Regional Conference (03/02-03/03, 2013) KUSCO is pleased to announce our support for the first KSEA regional conference in Virginia held on March 2-3, 2013 at Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, VA....
Dr. Jong-Deok Kim, Director of KUSCO participated in the Global Research Funding Forum (GRFF) on February 4-5 at the University of North Texas. The theme of this event was “Maximizing Opportunities to Build a...
KUSCO is pleased to have visitors from the Royal Thai Embassy Washington D.C. The meeting was arranged to learn how KUSCO has been established with its background. Dr.Jong-Deok Kim, Director of KUSCO, presented major...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that the KUSCO 20th Board of Directors Meeting and 38th EC meeting were held on Saturday, January 26th at the Marriot Marquis & Marina Hotel, San Diego, CA. With...
Deadline for the 2013 2nd Quarter of KUSCO Proposal KUSCO is pleased to announce the due date of 2013 2nd Quarter of KUSCO proposal. For those of you who are planning to have conferences,...