The “2012 KSEA-NE Annual Technical Symposium and Young Generation Forum” was held on Feb. 25 at MIT. The Annual Technical Symposium is the biggest event of the New England chapter. It has offered a...
Deadline for the 3rd Q of KUSCO Proposal KUSCO is pleased to announce the due date of 3rd Q of KUSCO proposal. For those of you who are planning to have conferences, meeting, etc during 7/1/12...
KUSCO successfully organized the “1st Outstanding STEAM Teacher Training Program” sponsored by the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (KOFAC) from Feb 15 to 23 in Washington D.C. This training program...
KUSCO successfully organized the EAPSI-Korea 2012 orientation on March 25 to 27th in Washington D.C.There are 25 final participants and they will visit Korea from June to August for research and cultural experience. EAPSI...
S. James Gates Jr. who is a member of President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) visited KUSCO accompanied by Dr. Hosin David. Lee, President of KSEA on Jan 25. Dr.Gates is...
KUSCO is pleased to announce our support for “KSEA San Diego Chapter Meeting” which was held on November 5th, at UCSD Price Center. This meeting was designed to provide the latest research trends in...
The 12th KOCSEA Annual Technical Symposium was held in San Jose, CA at the KOTRA Silicon Valley Building in December 17-18, 2011. It featured 21 technical presentations, 4 keynote speeches, 21 short talks. The...
As one of the sponsors, KUSCO is pleased to support YTLC 2012. On January 6-8th, just a week into the New Year, over 250 undergraduate, graduates, and young professionals from across the United States...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that KUSCO now will initiate a new program called “Scholarship for Descendants of Korean War Veterans.” This scholarship program is to strengthen Korea-US friendship by supporting descendants of Korean...
KUSCO is pleased to announce the KUSCO successfully organized the “1st Washington Science and Technology Forum” on Jan, 13 at 3:00 at KUSCO Conference room. KUSCO was honored to invite Prof. Chan-Mo Park, Chancellor,...