KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School (KINGS) is to recruit the 4th students in 2015. KINGS has been established to cultivate practical experts with global leadership in nuclear power plant engineering. Engineers who are under...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that the “4th Washington Science Talks” was successfully held at the KUSCO Conference room on August, 29th. The Washington Science Talks is a small size of informal social club...
There was the 24th KUSCO Board of Director meeting at Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport Hotel in California on August 9, 2014. With President, Dr. Min Keun Chung, there were 9 other board members,...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that 2014 KUSCO Scholarship Ceremony was successfully held during UKC 2014. Every year, KUSCO’s scholarship program recognizes outstanding Graduate Students who have demonstrated excellent talents in the fields of...
KUSCO organized the “Workshop for Korean R&D Managers and Administrators in International Perspective”, 5-days workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, and International Cooperation and Technology Transfer issues, from July 21st to 25th. The...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that the “3rd Washington Science Talks” was successfully held at the KUSCO Conference room on July, 10th. The Washington Science Talks is a small size of informal social club...
The KIC(Korea Innovation Center)-Washington opening ceremony and the Leader Group Mentor appointment ceremony were held on May 19th at the Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO). There were more than 50 participants including government officials...
The meeting was held on April 11 to 12, 2014 at the GlaxoSmithKline campus, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The main theme of the meeting was to bring overview of drug and biotech agriculture...
KUSCO is pleased to announce the due date of 3rd Q of KUSCO proposal. For those of you who are planning to have conferences, meeting, etc during 7/1/14 ~ 9/30/14, please submit the proposal by May...
Mr. Kiho Moon, Director of KUSCO attended the AIEA forum as a one of representative of funding agencies from April 6 to 8th at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida (Funding Agency Information)....