KUSCO is pleased to support 2012 KSEA-San Diego chapter general meeting which was held on Saturday, November 10 at the University of California, San Diego, Student Service Center. The meeting was co-organized by KSEA...
Dr. Brian Wee, Chief of External Affairs, and Dr. Hank Loescher, Assistant Director for Biometeorology, from National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) visited KUSCO on November 15th. This meeting was arranged by the delegations to...
Dr. Eun Kyu Lee, Director, Directorate for Basic Research in Science and Engineering of National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) visited the US from November 4th to 6th. The purpose of this visit was...
Deadline for the 2013 1st Quarter of KUSCO Proposal KUSCO is pleased to announce the due date of 2013 1st Quarter of KUSCO proposal. For those of you who are planning to have conferences, meeting,...
KUSCO is pleased to announce our support for the KSEA NWRC 2012 which was held from Friday, November 2 to Saturday, November 3 at the Sacramento Marriott at Rancho Cordova, California. About 120 participants...
Dr. Anne Emig, Program Director of NSF Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) and Dr. Clive Woods, Program Director, OISE, visited KUSCO on October 22nd. The main purpose of the meeting was to...
2012 KASBP Fall Symposium Ended with Success With KUSCO sponsoring, 2012 KASBP (Korean American Society in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals) Fall Symposium was held on October 12-13, 2012 in Somerset, New Jersey. The Symposium has...
Every year, KUSCO’s scholarship program recognizes outstanding Graduate Students who have demonstrated excellent talents in the fields of science and engineering and helps identify and nurture potential leaders of scientific community for closer cooperation...
KUSCO held the 3rd EAPSI-Korea Alumni Reunion on August 10-11, 2012 in CA. We invited 51 program participants from 2000 to 2011. There were also other invitees from National Research Foundation of Korea and the Embassy...
KUSCO is pleased to announce the KUSCO successfully organized “The 3rd Washington Science and Technology Forum” on July, 20 at 3:00 pm at KUSCO Conference room. KUSCO was honored to invite Dr. Kathie L....