New Director of KUSCO
KUSCO’s New Director Appointed Kiho Moon, KUSCO Director KUSCO is pleased to introduce our new Director, Kiho Moon who assumed his position on September 10th, 2013. Mr. Moon has served in the National Research...
KUSCO’s New Director Appointed Kiho Moon, KUSCO Director KUSCO is pleased to introduce our new Director, Kiho Moon who assumed his position on September 10th, 2013. Mr. Moon has served in the National Research...
KUSCO was asked to assist the Korean Ministry of Education by providing overseas evaluation of the research projects that were newly solicited through the BK 21 PLUS (Brain Korea 21 Program for Leading Universities...
UKC2013 (US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship 2013) was held with the theme of “Toward Harmonious World with Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship” at Sheraton Hotel in New Jersey on August 7-10, 2013. The...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that 2013 KUSCO Scholarship Ceremony was successfully held during UKC 2013. Every year, KUSCO’s scholarship program recognizes outstanding Graduate Students who have demonstrated excellent talents in the fields of...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that 2013 KUSCO Scholarship Ceremony for Descendants of Korean War Veterans was successfully held during UKC 2013. This program is designed to express our sincere appreciation those who scarified...
There was the 21st KUSCO Board of Director meeting at Sheraton Hotel in New Jersey on August 8, 2013. With President, Dr. Seung Jong Lee, there were 6 other board members attended. The KUSCO...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that the 4th EAPSI-Korea Conference was successfully held at Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Meadowlands, New Jersey on August 09-10, 2013. Since 2010, KUSCO has organized the conference meeting in...
KUSCO is pleased to announce the due date of 4th Q of KUSCO proposal. For those of you who are planning to have conferences, meeting, etc during 10/1/13 ~ 12/31/13, please submit the proposal...
KUSCO organized the “Workshop for Korean R&D Managers and Administrators in International Perspective”, 5-days workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, and International Cooperation and Technology Transfer issues, from July 22nd to 26th. The...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that KUSCO opened the “KUSCO S&T Incubator Office” to provide work space and information exchange facilities to Korean universities and government institutes which are looking forward to creating linkage...