New President of NRF & KUSCO
KUSCO is pleased to introduce our new President, Dr. Min Keun Chung, who is a Professor of Industrial and Management Engineering at the Pohang University of Science and Technology. He has been appointed as...
KUSCO is pleased to introduce our new President, Dr. Min Keun Chung, who is a Professor of Industrial and Management Engineering at the Pohang University of Science and Technology. He has been appointed as...
The 14th Korean Computer Scientists and Engineers Association in America (KOCSEA) Technical Symposium was held in San Jose, California from December 13 to 14, 2013. Due to the increased interests for participation, we extended...
KUSCO is pleased to announce that the “1st Washington Science Talks” was successfully held at the KUSCO Conference room on November, 15th. The Washington Science Talks is a small size of informal social club...
2013 KASBP Fall Symposium was held in Edison, NJ on Nov. 15-16 with the participation of about 160 members from all over the US as well as sponsors and guests from Korea. During the...
2013 Korean-American Bio-Medical Scientists Symposium (2013 KABMS) was held as 4th West Gulf Coast Regional Conference to provide a great opportunity for Korean-American biomedical scientists around the West Gulf Coast Region to expose themselves...
Report on Annual Technical Seminar KSEA San Diego Chapter Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa November 9, 2013 Participation: ~120 regular, KGSA and YG members, along with their families at dinner Major Sponsors: KSEA and...
On September 20-21, 2013, the 8th KSEA Northwest Regional Conference (NWRC) was held at the Alder Hall of the University of Washington in Seattle. KSEA Northwest Regional Conference (NWRC) was founded in 2006 by...
Here is the list of proposals that KUSCO has received for 4th QT. Number Title of Proposal Organization Date Place 2013-09 KSEA 4th WEST Gulf Coast Regional Conference KSEA 11/02 Houston, TX 2013-10 2013...
KUSCO organized an overseas evaluation on WCU final proposals via online from August 10th to September 20th. This project is one of the entrusted programs with NRF as a follow-up of successful implementation of...
KUSCO was visited by a delegation from the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico on September 11th. The delegation was organized by a local attorney who represents Puerto Rico in Washington DC, and accompanying was...