2013 KSEA New England Symposium (03/02, 2013)
KUSCO is pleased to support the KSEA New England chapter (Chapter president: Jun Young Choi) which was held on March 2nd. This event was co-organized by KSEA-NE and the Korean Graduate Students Association of MIT. Mr. Kangho Park (Consul General of Boston), Mr. Sun Woo Han (President of Korean Society of New England), and Prof. Sung Woo Kim (Executive director of KSEA head quarter) gave welcome messages. Prof. Yoo Taek Lee (Senior Lecturer, Boston University), Dr. Sokwoo Rhee (Co-founder & CTO, Millennial Net), Mr.Taewon Jin (President, Phoenix Business Computing), and Dr. Jong Sung Koh (CTO, Genosco) were invited to give talks under a theme of “Theory to Practice, from Scientist/Engineers to Successful Entrepreneurs”. Starting with Prof. Lee’s in-depth review of various aspects of entrepreneurship, Dr. Rhee’s experience of starting a company with details, President Jin’s wisdom learned from 20 years of successful management of a startup and Dr. Koh’s road to successful drug discovery and endless challenges captivated the audience of more than 60. In this year, students and postdocs who were presenting posters had also chances giving 3-5 minute oral presentation of their research field and posters to the audience. Executive director Dr. Yoojin Chung, who helped organizing the symposium and led the poster session, said that “It was a great opportunity for the young investigator who are accustomed to discuss their work to those in similar field, to think about how to present their work to an audience with diverse scientific background. For the members who are not in academia, it was an unusual chance to learn about cutting-edge research performed by the next generation of KSEA-NE.” There was a raffle for a Galaxy Tab sponsored by Samsung after the poster presentation.