KUSCO is pleased to support 2012 Korean-American Bio-Medical Scientists Symposium (2012 KABMS) which was held as 2nd West Gulf Coast Regional Conference to provide a great opportunity for Korean-American biomedical scientists around the West Gulf Coast Region to expose themselves to the most current trends in biomedical science, as well as to meet all Korean-American biomedical scientists from different institutions around the vast west gulf coast (Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama) region share scientific knowledge. And, also aim to promotion of new KSEA memberships recruit in South Texas Chapter by increasing the visibility of KSEA.
The 2012 KABMS was successfully held at the Trevisio Convention Center in Texas Medical Center at Houston Texas on November 9-10 (Fri-Sat), 2012 with a total of 132 people registered and 141 in attendance. Attendances are from Korea, many institutions of west gulf coast area including The University of Texas, Baylor College of Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas A&M University, UT Medical Branch at Galveston, Methodist Hospital, University of Houston, RICE University. The symposium was started at Friday night with 3 keynote speeches. Dr. Henry W. Strobel, from UT Medical School at Houston give a presentation about practical advice to become a successful faculty in US as an foreign scholar based on his long been experience as a faculty recruit committee at his school with his speech titled “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Promotion and Tenure”. Second speaker was Dr. Chang Ho Ahn, CEO & Chairperson from Rexahn Pharmaceutical Inc. in Maryland. He gave an excellent talk about the way to thrive a career development in industrial field in USA with his talk entitled “A Roadmap to Excellence”. The last key note speaker was Dr. Sungmin Kim from Dongguk University, korea. His talk was “Medical Device R&D Strategies and International Collaboration in Korea” in which he gave a presentation about the opportunities on collaboration in between Korean and Korea-American researchers in bio-medical field. At second day’s scientific session, total 16 oral presentation was held as 4 separated session as like Integrative Biology, Translation Medicine, Cell and Molecular Biology and Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology. In this oral presentation session active idea sharing and discussion about the speech was occur in between participants. In addition to oral presentation, total 32 poster presentations were highly interactive program between participants. Top 4 of Students and Post-Docs poster presentation were highly awarded by Consul General at Houston, GenDepot, and also 21 more poster was cash awarded ($100/each). From the response of symposium attendees, they deeply appreciated the symposium contents, committees, and sponsors, especially KUSCO and KSEA-HQ. 47 renewed and new memberships among participated scientists/ physicians were joined to KSEA member through this event.
To preparing 2013 KABMS five of scientists were newly volunteered for the 2013 KABMS executive committee. The symposium objectives, networking between scientists from the Korea and US, were well fully accomplished. We are already started to preparing 2013 KABMS symposium and we believe this symposium will contribute to promote strong interaction between the visiting scholars from the Korea and the Korean-American scientists at the West Gulf Coast Area.