From July 5, Tuesday, through July 8, Friday, 2011, there was a 15th International Symposium on Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA-2011) at Ramada Plaza, Jeju Hotel, Jeju, Korea. The meeting discussed subjects focused on but not limited to: Compound semiconductors (III-V and II-VI), Si and other group IV based semiconductors, Organic Semiconductors, Graphene and related devices, Quantum Hall and related properties, Spintronic & ferroelectric physics and devices, Quantum functional materials and novel devices, Nano-bio technology and applications, Synthesis and characterization of semiconductors, LED, LD and display applications, and Light management in photovoltaic devices (Solar cells).
The objective of the Symposium was to provide scientists, engineers, and researchers with chances to exchange technical information and to gain insight into the state of the art and the future R&D directions in the rapidly advancing semiconductor science and technologies.
This symposium provided a good opportunity for scientists from the United States to gain insights into the research undertaken in industries and universities, especially in Asian countries with technological importance such as Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China. The symposium was also a place for the advanced research achievements in the United States to be presented to attract attention from researchers in the region.
The Symposium consisted of four days of oral and visual presentations of invited and contributed papers. Invited speakers reviewed the state of the art and future perspectives in their respective expertise. Several leading scientists and researchers were invited from all over the world to present recent progress in this field (about 400-500 domestic/Korean speakers and participants, and 150 to 200 foreigners from U.S.A., Japan, Taiwan, Poland, China, Hong Kong, etc.