The 20th KSEA (Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association) NRC (Northeast Regional Conference) was held on June 24th and 25th, 2011 at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Edison, NJ. The conference was jointly organized by KSEA NJ chapter, KSEA NY Metro Chapter and KASBP (Korean American Society in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals).
The objective of the annual conference, KSEA NRC was to provide a forum in which scientists and engineers in major areas present their research findings and share ideas and an opportunity for members and other subject matter experts to establish professional networks, as well as to explore their career opportunities.
Total over 170 people participated at the conference from various fields including Information Technologies, Advanced Materials and processing Technologies and Biological & Pharmaceutical Science. Out of all these participants, about 30 researchers and experts in the field of Biotech and Pharmaceuticals Science came from Korea.
The conference began with a welcoming remark by KSEA NJ Chapter President followed by a couple of congratulatory remarks by Dr. Kangwook Lee, 37th KSEA President, Dr. Do Hyun Cho at KHIDI and Mr. Jongkyung Kim at KOTRA.
Two keynote speeches were given at Friday night banquet. The title of the first keynote talk was “Tokamak Fusion Research through Advanced Computing.” It was given by Dr. Choong-Seock Chang at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. who is a renowned physicist and a former KAIST professor. The second talk was by Dr. Albert Ahn at AB Science with a title of “Development of a Novel Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor.”
In the morning of June 25th, three parallel technical sessions with 12 speakers were held in the fields of IT, Advanced materials and Processing and Bio.
The conference officially ended with a luncheon. A closing remark was given by KSEA NY Metro Chapter President declaring a successful conference and looking forward to meeting again next year.