KUSCO is pleased to announce that 2013 KUSCO Scholarship Ceremony for Descendants of Korean War Veterans was successfully held during UKC 2013.

This program is designed to express our sincere appreciation those who scarified their lives in Korean War and to strengthen Korea-US friendship within American societies as well. After reviewing numerous applications this year, our final decision has been made for 7 outstanding students.
Each scholarship recipient received a $2,000 award along with travel support.

Emily McCarthy, one of the recipients, could not participate in the ceremony due to her research project in Korea.

Here is the list of recipients :

Number First Last School Name Major
1 Emily McCarthy William Rice University Civil Engineering
2 Robert Termuhlen Iowa State University Mechanical Engineering
3 Anna Champagne Kansas State University Veterinary Medicine
4 Kelsey Brangoccio Montana State University Human Health/Performance
5 David Peter Montgomery College Chemistry
6 Will Lewis California Polytechnic State University Food Science
7 Donovan Williams University of Central Florida Mechanical Engineering